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A. 提问与回答
你的这个说法,有什么依据吗? What makes you say that?
我没听懂,你说的“xxx”是什么意思? Sorry, what do you mean by…?
你说“xxx”,意思是指“ooo”吗? By xxx, do you mean ooo?
所以你的意思是说……吗? So (in other words), what you’re saying is…
抱歉,我刚才没有说清楚,我的意思其实是…… Sorry, but just to clarify, …
我的问题是问张路易的。麻烦您再展开讲讲产品设计的部分,你想推出更多的颜色,是这样吗? 【正式】My question is for Louis. I was wondering whether you could expand on the section regarding product design. Am I correct in assuming that you want to offer the product in more colors?
你刚才说的,能帮我从头再讲一遍吗? Can you run that by me one more time?
你刚才说的,能简单点再讲一遍吗? Can you repeat that in a simplified way?
你说的这个,麻烦解释一下,这能行吗? Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
【正式】Let me see if I can shed better light on that.
我能说两句吗? May I have a word? Could I just say one thing? Excuse me – sorry for interrupting, but…
我还没说完。 【正式】Please let me finish my thought.
Have I answered your question?
@青: 这句看似简单,但如果解答完别人的疑惑之后,这么一问,就很有修养和诚意。毕竟,有的人会为了避免直接回答别人的敏感问题,故意说一通提前准备好的、文不对题的答案,糊弄过去。
这个角度我还没想过,这对 xxx 有什么影响? I’ve never thought about it that way before. How does it affect xxx?
你能谈谈这对我们 xxx 的影响吗? 【正式】Can you speak to the implications this would have on our xxx?
我再问老象一个问题吧。 Let me jump in with a question for Elle.
What I’d like to know is whether your team has thought about developing an entirely new product.
@青: 这句话也说得相当得体,有时候冒昧地给人提建议,看似是在帮忙,或者只是出于好奇,其实会显得好像“我比你聪明”。不去首先假设对方没想过,会让人感觉更舒服。
B. 表示赞同
太对了! I totally agree. Exactly! I feel just the same way.
好吧,可能你说的对吧。 I suppose you’re right. You might be right. Well, it depends.
我有的同意,有的不同意。 I agree with you up to a point, but…
理论上是这么回事,但实际上…… I agree with you in principle, but…
你这样讲,大家就明白了。 You’ve made it clear for all of us.
我们老说要做到xxx,咪咪的发言,对于怎样实现xxx,提出了一些很有创意的想法。 We've always wanted to xxx. Mimi’s presentation has some really innovative ideas about how we can do this.
C. 表示争议
我不同意! I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with that at all. (I’m afraid) I have to disagree. I see it differently.
我不是很同意。 I’m afraid I don’t really agree. I’m not so sure about that. I mostly agree, but…
这也不一定。 Not necessarily.
咱们继续吧,这一点先求同存异。 Let’s move on. I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree.
我懂你意思,但…… I can see your point , but…
你提出了一个有趣的观点,但…… You’ve brought up an interesting point, but…
请原谅我打断您,但恕我直言,象先生,我完全不同意您的观点。 【正式】Please pardon my interruption , but with all due respect , Mr. Phant, I completely disagree with you.
我理解您的担忧,但…… I understand your concern, but…
我想谈谈我的观点,我觉得老象出的担忧很有道理,问题提得也很好,但…… 【正式】 If I may offer my opinion , I believe Mr. Phant has a legitimate concern and I’m glad he asked that question, but…
我没有时间充分回应您的问题,但…… 【正式】I don’t have time to address your concern fully, but…
这个我现在不能细说,但是大部分客户只是想要可靠性,设计是次要的。 I can’t go into this in detail now, but most customers just want reliability, and the design is secondary .
但这个话题超出了我的专业范围。 【正式】However, this topic is outside the scope of my expertise .
我也没别的意思,不过呢…… Don’t take this the wrong way, but…
有句话,我必须得说说。 There’s something I have to get off my chest .
But let me play devil’s advocate for a minute.
@青: 字面意思是,我来当会儿魔鬼的代言人哈。这是一种幽默的自嘲,在提出逆耳忠言之前,先把气氛调节得轻松一些,能让大家更舒服,愿意听听。
我们确实考虑过这个方案,但很快就放弃了。 We did consider that option, but we quickly dismissed it.
D. 结束时的寒暄
谢谢大家的发言,对我很有帮助。 Thanks for your contributions/ ideas. They were very helpful.
谢谢您来和我们开会。 Thanks for making the time to meet us.
开心!祝福! It was great to see you (again). It was (so) nice to (finally) meet you. Have a good weekend/ a good trip/ fun/ a good time/ a safe journey.
@青: 结束告别时要说“was”,已经过去了。
【会后闲聊(small talk)】你们待会儿直接回办公室吗?
Do you have to go (straight) back to your office?
(Are you) finished for today?
(Do you have) any plans for the weekend?
Last updated