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A. 进入和退出视频会议
看来大家都上线了,那咱们开始吧。 Looks like we are all online right now, so let’s get rolling.
今天上海的同事 Julie 也在和我们连线中。 We also have Julie on the line from Shanghai today.
听起来很不错,不过我想告诉你,我知道我们已经预定了 90 分钟,但我在 11 点不得不走,所以我一个小时后必须退出。
It all sounds great but just want to let you know that I know we’re booked for 90 minutes but I’ve got a hard stop at 11 so I’ll have to jump out after an hour.
我知道有的同事今天两点必须退出。 I understand some of you will need to sign off at two today.
Christina 和 Ian 只能呆半个小时,大家别忘了。
Christina and Ian can only stay for half an hour so let’s keep that in mind.
I’ll need to jump off now, but great presentation.
If you need to leave early, please just go ahead and I’ll share the info later.
No problem. We’ll catch you up, Chris.
—你待会儿会把幻灯片发给大家的吧? —当然。我今天下午就发,如果你需要离席,请自便。 — You’ll pass on these slides later, right? — Yes, definitely. I’ll send them out this afternoon and if you need to head out, please do.
请稍事等待。我需要先通过几个迟到的人进入会议。 If you could bear with me for a second here. I need to admit a couple of latecomers to the meeting.
@青: bear with sth 是忍耐某事的意思。
— 哦,看起来多伦多那边掉线了。Manuel,你能给多伦多那边的同事 Wendy 发个消息问问怎么回事吗? — 没问题,Gabby。 — 好的,我们言归正传,有人想发言吗? — Oh, looks like we've lost Toronto. Manuel, could you text Wendy in Toronto and see what's up? — Sure thing. Gabby. — Okay, back to the theme. Anyone else want to weigh in?
【回到主题】那我们现在开始吧。 Now let’s dig in.
网络连接不稳,参会的人进进退退,这种时候我真的很反感。 It really throws me off when there are connection issues, people cutting in and out and all that.
B. 声音和画面
大家好!咱们可以开始了。首先,能请大家都打开视频吗?我很高兴能看到大家每个人的脸。记住,不发言的时候,请把麦克风静音。 Hi everyone! I think we are ready to get going now. First off, can I get everyone to turn their video on? It’s good to actually be able to see you all. And just remember when you're not talking, please mute your mic.
我有个问题。你们能看见我吗?我不确定我的视频打开了没有。 Question. Can you guys see me? Not sure if my video is on.
嘿,Dave。看看你屏幕的左下方,那里有一个视频图标,如果上面有一条红线划过,那表示你的视频没有开。只需点击它,就能打开。 Hey, Dave. Look at the bottom left of your screen. There's a video icon. If it has a red line through it, then your video is off. Just click it to turn it on.
对不起,埃文的视频好像又卡住了,请稍等。 Excuse me looks like Evan 's video has frozen again. Just a moment.
抱歉,我们的视频源出现了一点问题。 Sorry, but we're having some problems with the video feed.
@青: 这一般指的是会上播放在线视频的时候播不了了。
Kathy,请稍等。可以请大家各自检查自己的话筒是否已经静音了吗?似乎有谁话筒没关,传来很多背景噪音。 Just a sec there, Kathy. Can everyone check they’re muted? Getting a lot of background noise from someone.
请稍等,你的声音断断续续的。 Hang on a sec. Your sound is breaking up.
抱歉,Glen。这边听到很多回音。你能戴上耳机吗? Sorry, Glen. Hearing a lot of echo. Could you put your headset on?
Chris,我看你取消了静音。你要发言吗? Chris, I see you’ve unmuted. Do you have something?
我来共享一下我的屏幕,请能看到的朋友在群里点个赞,可以吗? Let me just share my screen here. Can I get a thumbs up in the chat if you can see this?
右上角有一个按钮,写着画廊视图,只需点击它。 There's a button at the top right that says gallery view, just click that.
在菜单栏,点音频输入,然后点耳机。 From the menu, select audio input, then select headset.
@青: 在面对面的会议里,还可以有很多有的没的客套话,在视频会议、电话会议里,如果要帮助同事解决这种技术问题,语言一定要简短、明白。
将鼠标悬停在参会者列表中你自己的姓名上,然后点按“更改姓名”。 Hover over your name in the participants list, then click “change name.”
要发送文件,单击仪表盘中的文档图标。 To send a file, click the document icon in the dashboard.
【声音的技术问题解决好之后回到主题】你刚才说什么呢? So, what were you saying?
希望它别老出状况。 Wish it wasn’t so glitchy.
C. 线上管理
我们来听听每个人的工作近况吧。跟大家汇报一下你这周过得怎么样,在做什么。请尽量简短,因为我们还有很多内容要讲。 Let's just get some individual updates here. Let us know how you're doing and what you're working on this week. Try to keep it brief as we've got quite a bit to cover.
Adam,请你先发言? Adam, could you lead us off?
@青: 网络会议相比面对面的会议,常常更难调动参会人员的发言积极性。一个好办法,就是主持人提议一个话题,让大家轮流开口。从谁开始呢?轮流发言最大的风险是有人一开口就刹不住车,所以主持人可以选择自己了解的一位通常发言话不多的同事,给大家打个样。这个建议来自原播客的讲解部分。
我只是想碰碰头。 I just wanted to touch base.
以上,就是我的近况报告。 So, yeah, that’s what’s going on with me.
我的部分讲完了。 That’s all for me.
这个问题,我们拿给大家一起公开讨论吧。 Let’s just throw it open to discussion.
Sophie,我看你举手了。 Sophie, I think I saw your hand up there.
这个文档我会读一读,并转发给其他人的。 I’ll give it a read and pass it on.
我正要通过聊天窗口把预算草案发给大家。 I’m just going to send the draft budget through the chat to everyone.
我正在看聊天记录,看到有几条评论,应该首先解决这些吧。 Just looking at the chat here and I see there are a couple of comments that we should probably address first off.
咪咪还没有发过言呢,咪咪,你还在吗? We haven’t heard from Mimi yet. Mimi, are you still with us?
会后,我会介绍你和市场部的 Josie 联系。 When we’re done here, I’ll connect you with Josie in Marketing.
Olivia,你可以联系一下 IT 部门,恢复一下视频连接吗? Olivia, could you get in touch with IT so we can get this video connection working?
看来有些人还没收到议程。Jessica,你能处理一下吗? Looks like some folks haven’t received the agenda. Jessica, could you take care of that?
Franco,你介意跑两步,去给我们拿个新麦克风吗? Franco, do you mind running and getting us a new mic, please?
Logan,要是你能打电话给 Tracy,看看她是否会加入我们的会议,那就太好了。 Logan, if you could call Tracy and see if she'll be joining us, that would be great.
Last updated