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A. 报告开头

  1. 谢谢老雷。感谢在座的每一位。大家都知道,今天的报告就是要介绍一下我们关于xxx的建议。 Thank you, Lei. And thank you to everyone who is here today. As you know, today’s presentation is designed to present our recommendations about how Laomi can improve its xxx.

  2. 每个人都有打印好的讲义吗?太好了。让我们先来看看今天要讲的内容。 Does everyone have the printed handouts? Great. Let’s start by taking a look at what we’re going to cover today.

    你们每个人面前都应该有一份我们的讲义,与屏幕上的幻灯片相对应。 【正式】You should each have a copy of our handouts in front of you that correspond to the slides up here on the screen.

    @青: “相对应”的意思并不是说讲义和PPT一页页的内容相同,可能PPT上只显示了关键词,讲义上有相应的补充信息。如果准备这样的讲义,请与会者在参会前先预览、思考好再开会,可以大大提高讨论质量和会议效率。

  3. 首先,我要说一说我们的千行代码bug率在过去2个月的上升情况,以及上升的原因。 We’ll start off by talking about how our bug rate has been increasing during the past 2 months, and the reasons why. 【正式】First, I will begin with an overview of how our bug rate has been increasing during the past 2 months, and the reasons for that increase.

  4. 然后,咪咪将展示他从xxx收集的数据,以及关于改进的想法。 After that, Mimi is going to tell you about the xxx he conducted and what we can learn from it. 【正式】Then, Mimi will present the data that he gathered from xxx and his ideas for improvement.

  5. 他之后是老象,他会讨论调整我们的产品以满足市场需求,最后他会提出我们的主要建议。 We’ll finish off with Mr. Phant talking about how his team has been able to change our product so that it has more appeal to our customers. Then he’ll wrap things up with our team’s recommendations. 【正式】 He will be followed by Mr. Phant, who will discuss adapting our product to meet market needs, and he’ll conclude with our main recommendations.

  6. 到目前为止还有问题吗?如果你在演讲过程中有问题,请随时打断我。 Any questions so far? If you have questions later on during the presentation, please feel free to interrupt me at any time.

    【正式】由于我们今天的时间有限,请大家在报告结束再提问题。 Since we have limited time today, please hold your questions until the end of the presentation.

  7. 大家可以畅所欲言了,谁想先说呀? This is an open discussion , so who wants to start off?

B. 报告主体部分

  1. 正如我刚才所说, As I said a moment ago, … As I mentioned, …

  2. 我们最大的困难之一就是 xxx。 One of our main challenges is...

    这些问题相当严重,但也不是不能克服,所以让我们看看我们提出的解决方案。 These are some pretty serious but not insurmountable problems, so let’s take a look at the solutions we’ve come up with.

  3. 我建议…… We should (probably) consider/ think about… My (main) suggestion/ recommendation/ advice would be to…

  4. 我们确实需要讨论一下我们将实施哪些变革,以及实施变革的时间表。 【正式】We do need to open a dialogue about which changes we’re going to implement,and a timeline for doing so.

    @青: 最后一个小分句,如果记不住,可以单独重开一个短句说。

  5. 我们的建议是改进我们的营销活动,重新设计我们的产品。 Our recommendations are to revamp our marketing campaign and redesign our product.

  6. 我们的产品开发团队一直在辛苦整合刚刚老象提供的所有数据,以便为我们的客户创造更好的产品。 Our product development team has been busy trying to synthesize all the data that Elle has just presented in order to create a better product for our customers.

  7. 为了解决这些问题,我们建议创建一个更好的营销活动,并创建我们产品的新版本。 To tackle these problems, we recommend creating a better marketing campaign and creating a new version of our product.

    @青: 注意 recommend 后接 doing sth.

  8. 【表达不确定的观点】这只是我个人的一个想法,我觉得…… This is only my opinion, but…

    我觉得吧,大概是这样的…… I would probably say that…

    这块儿我也没什么经验啊,好像是这样的…… In my limited experience,…

C. 讲解图表

  1. 在这个饼图中,黄色阴影区域代表那些从我们公司购买产品的人,在我们所有谈话过的人当中,他们只占13%。 【正式】In this pie chart, the yellow-shaded area represents those who buy the product from us, and they comprise only 13% of the people we spoke with. Here you can see only 13% use our product.

  2. 我们询问参与者在购买产品时他们想要什么功能,下表按重要性降序显示了他们的答案。 【正式】We asked the participants what features they wanted when purchasing the product and this table shows their answers in descending order of importance.

  3. 正如您在这一行和这一列中所看到的, 【正式】As you can see across this row and down this column,

  4. 这个折线图显示,在过去两个月中,这些数字保持稳定。 【正式】This line graph shows that these figures have held steady over the past two months.

  5. 让我来带大家看看这张图表。 Let me walk you through this chart.

D. 结尾

  1. 因此,在我们的演示结束时,我想重复一下要点。 【正式】So, as our presentation concludes , I want to repeat the key points.

  2. 好,我就说这么多,咱们开始讨论吧,请咪咪来主持。 【正式】 Without further ado , I’d like to open the floor for discussion. Mimi will be our moderator.

  3. 接下来,请大家帮助我们集思广益,提出更多的想法。 In a minute , we’re going to ask you to help us brainstorm even more ideas.

  4. 让我们简单回顾一下这次演讲的要点。 Let’s just briefly recap the main points of this presentation.

    说到这儿,就讲完了,我最后总结一下。 This brings me to the end of my presentation. To summarize my main points,…

    我讲完啦~ That concludes my talk for today. Well, that is all I have for today. Well, I’ve covered the points that I needed to present today.

  5. 感谢! Thank you for your time /attention /inviting me /having me here. I appreciate this opportunity.

  6. 我可以回答大家的问题了。 Next I’ll now answer any questions you have about xxx.

  7. 如果感兴趣进一步了解的话,可以通过 xxx 联系我。 If you need any further information, feel free to contact me at [contact information].

Last updated